Feb 6Liked by Jessica Maybury

I think it's 'threshold' for me. I've just had a fiftieth birthday, and I'm feeling already this is second life. I had better make it count. Thresholds to thin or sacred spaces, and to self and others. See what you think, wrote this today.


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I haven’t picked a word for a year before and I’m not necessarily doing it now _but_ I am very focused on the idea of REST at the moment. I’m trying to focus on what energy and drive I have and decide if I need a rest. If I do, I will rest with no guilt or anxiety over what I’m _not_ doing, whatever that may be. If I don’t need to rest, I will make a conscious effort to do things that are productive/therapeutic/enjoyable.

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Jessica, thank you so much for the mention, and your beautiful words.

It's all about that mindset, isn't it! 💗

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