I want to start building up a whole catalogue of sound recordings *without* the intention of making a specific album or E.P and just see what I end up with.... There’s a couple of things I specifically want to make so I will be leaning in that direction a little bit sometimes but I just want to play and experiment with noise and I like the idea of just recording everything and stacking up all the outtakes and seeing if any of those naturally end up being things that can be turned into something specific. Also sketch booking. All of the sketchbooking. All of the time.

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I love how specific this is! Something here to take onboard for myself, definitely: to be more specific. So, instead of “writing” as a general growth direction, maybe “finishing writing.” Because really it’s the getting started and the finishing that are the most important parts, right? The actual writing can take care of itself.

My thoughts on the idea of creating without an end-project in mind =

I feel sometimes that the end project can be so big and daunting that we (by that I mean me at least) don’t work towards it as much as we should, out of fear. Of course, sometimes having a big audacious goal IS galvanising and gives you (again, me) the kick to get started...but in my experience it’s not.

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Yeah, with a specific idea it’s very easy to say “no, that’s not it” and trash things because they don’t fit the criteria of what we are trying to do and those can be missed opportunities to be made into something different entirely.

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